A few thoughts...

My worst bout of insomnia was right after my second bout of Covid. My brain would not shut off at night. It lasted about a month before my brain recalibrated itself.

Inflammation is a major player in all of this. I remember when I finally broke down and took some ibuprofen for some pain I could not stand for another minute - and within the hour, the "brain fog" had cleared out of my head for the first time in a long time! I don't take ibuprofen daily, but it's definitely in my toolbox.

I would say the biggest obstacle right now is denial - the "it's all in your head" pushback is real, and that's if you get past the "Covid is no big deal" denial. (Insert huge eyeroll here)

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Thanks so much for this. I'm excited to see papers talking about skin changes and high liver enzymes, which are two of the things I've heard a lot about. Also, insomnia is such a hallmark of folks with long covid thank goodness that's being acknowledged via a paper. Thanks for your summaries, they keep me updated as I can't go searching for and reading papers. Thanks 🙏

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Feb 27Liked by Brandon

Are there any studies that explore the long Covid impact on the micro vascular system of the eye and its effects on vision?

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The me/cfs paper is fascinating and long overdue. Research and legitimization Long covid will go a long way to destigmatizing so many post acute infectious syndromes. (Something I’ve been thinking a lot about: https://open.substack.com/pub/bessstillman/p/the-unexpected-gift-of-covid?r=16l8ek&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)

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Great update as always, thank you!

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